Special General Meeting – To Consider Vote of No Confidence in National Law Society 17th December

The Law Society has called a Special General Meeting following a requisition by members to consider a vote of no confidence in the Law Society Chief Executive and President as a result of its handling of the negotiations with the Lord Chancellor in respect of the Criminal Legal Aid Reforms .
That the meeting has no confidence in the ability of Nicholas Fluck, President of the Law Society of England and Wales, and Desmond Hudson, Chief Executive of the Law Society of England and Wales, to properly and effectively represent those members of the Society who undertake publicly funded legal aid work in negotiations with the Lord Chancellor as to the future and extent of criminal legal aid in England and Wales on the grounds that they purported to enter into an agreement with the Lord Chancellor without a mandate from those members of the Society who practice publicly funded criminal law and in circumstances where the purported agreement was to the detriment of and against the will of those members and to the maintenance of a sustainable legal aid service to those subject to criminal proceedings.
You can access a copy of the Notice with a Statement over the Resolution and the Law Society’s response here SGM-notice-2013