NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF DONCASTER & DISTRICT LAW SOCIETY Thursday 29th September at the Regent Hotel, Doncaster Formal Notice is hereby given that the AGM of Doncaster and District Law Society is to be held at the Regent Hotel on Thursday 29th September 2022 from 12 noon to be followed by a buffet lunch. In accordance with
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On 8th July members of Doncaster & District Law Society met to debate the future of the Society . This was occuring at a time when the need for a local law society had never been greater but with a background of some firms not engaging with the Society over recent times . During a very positive debate all options
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Notice is Hereby Given that the AGM of Doncaster Law Society will be held on Wednesday 8th July at 12.30pm at the Regent Hotel . Delegates can join fellow members and guests for lunch at the Regent which is complimentary . The Society has called this special AGM in order to determine whether there is to be a plan for
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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Doncaster Law Society will take place on 8th July @ 12.30pm Regent Hotel Doncaster In accordance with the rules of the Society the business to be extracted is : 1 – Receive the Annual Accounts of the Society 2 – Approve the Accounts and the Proposed Budget for 2014/15 3
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The Doncaster & District Law Society AGM will be held on Tuesday 8th July at the Regent Hotel , Doncaster . As with last years highly successful event the AGM will be held at a lunchtime 12.30 – 2pm and include Lunch and Teas / Coffee . We are also likely to have a guest speaker of interest , details
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Doncaster Junior Lawyers Division have held a successful AGM electing a new Committee . The Group is going from strength to strength leading to recognition by the National Law Society as an official group . To mark the event on 25th October there is a launch party to which all of the Doncaster Legal Community Young or old has been
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